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Andrew P. Johnson

​​Andrew P. Johnson received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Delaware, studied International Law at Uppsala University, Sweden, and received a Juris Doctorate from Delaware (Widener) Law School.  Mr. Johnson served as a government prosecutor until he entered private practice in 1999, and has been a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association for over 25 years.


Mr. Johnson focuses on Business Immigration and has represented hundreds of companies including multinational corporations, engineering, technology and facility management companies for EB-2 and EB-3 permanent residency applications for their employees.  He has been invited to address business groups and diplomats regarding the EB-5 process and has represented EB-5 investors all over the world.


Mr. Johnson has authored articles that have been published by the American Bar Association and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.  He has been quoted regarding immigration issues by numerous periodicals including the New York Times, USA today, Fox News, CBS, Associated Press, Washington Times, Daily News, the Boston Globe, Yahoo News, Market Watch, Radio Free Europe, and India Post, among others.  Mr. Johnson has been invited to speak and answer questions from U.S. Ambassadors in Washington, DC and United Nations Ambassadors in New York regarding the EB-5 process and Immigration Law. 


Mr. Johnson has spoken to business organizations in conferences on the various strategies for immigrating and sending employees to the United States, and he organized the conference series entitled, “Investing and Living in the United States,” which has been presented in countries in Asia and Europe.  For over 25 years, Mr. Johnson has practiced Federal Immigration Law exclusively and is admitted into the United States Supreme Court, New Jersey District Court, and the State Bar of New Jersey. 







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(212) 693-3355


(212) 430-6797

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11 Broadway, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10004

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